Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nazareth, Tiberias and Sea of Galilee - Saturday August 13th

Today was just as busy as Friday - we are going to need a vacation from our vacation!

We began our journey going north from Tel Aviv via the plain of Armageddon to Nazareth where we visited the Church of the annunciation and St. Joseph's carpentry.We visited Canan where St Peter lived with his mother in law and Jesus also lived with them in the shadows of a large Basilica Synagogue - that much has been excavated.  We then drove to the Sea of galilee and the site of the Baptismal of the Jordan River.

A Byzantine church was built over the place where it is believed that the angel Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus to the virgin Mary.  In 1966 the Roman Catholic Church began constructing a new basilica over these remains and today this church is the largest church building in the Middle East.  The Greek Orthodox Church nearby is built over the town's water source.

Jesus spent his boyhood years in Nazareth before beginning his ministry when he was about 30.  After moving his home to Capernaum, Jesus returned to teach in the synagogue of Nazareth twice more, but was rejected both times.  On one occasion the townspeople were so outraged at Jesus that they tried to throw him off a cliff to his death.

We ended our long day in our hotel in Jerusalem overlooking the Old city.

Good night.

1 comment:

  1. I am learning so much from your travel blog! Sounds like you are really seeing it all!
