Monday, August 15, 2011

Bethlehem and a trip to Palestine August 15, 2011

We left early this morning to drive to the West Bank Palestine to see the sights of Bethlehem - we had to show passports and be brought to the border by one guide and picked up by a Palestinian guide to go through the barbed wire and past all the check points to enter Palestine.  Yikes - scary - but it was worth the trip for Bruce who was very excited about seeing the birthplace of Jesus.  I have included some information about Bethlehem so you will get an understanding of the politics of the region.

Shepherd with Flock
The area to the east of the city is traditionally believed to be the area of the fields of the shepherds "keeping watch o'er their flocks by night."  Several churches have been built to commemorate this event.   Even today local shepherds can be seen tending their flocks in this same area (even on Christmas eve!)

Nativity Church
The entrance to the famous church in Bethlehem is remarkably unimpressive.  The large courtyard is perfect for priests, pilgrims or tourists, but most noticeable are the vendors.  Palestinian police now patrol the area.  Buses no longer are allowed to enter the square, but instead are directed to a large parking structure.

Church Interior
This building is the oldest standing church in the Holy Land.  Originally built by Constantine's mother in the 4th century, Emperor Justinian rebuilt the current structure in the 530s.  It was apparently spared destruction from the Persians in 614 A.D. because the invaders saw the depictions of the Magi on the walls.  Local Muslim-Christian friendship is believed to be why the church was not destroyed during al-Hakim's rule in 1009.

Ancient Mosaics
Underneath the present floor are beautiful mosaics of the earlier church.  The church built at the direction of Constantine's mother was octagonal in shape, typical of Byzantine memorial churches.  Before the Roman empire converted to Christianity, the area was a sacred grove of Thammuz.

The Birth Cave
Early tradition places the birth of Jesus in a cave.  Scripture doesn't mention the existence of a cave, and skeptics note that many biblical events were commemorated in caves (more convenient for pilgrims to be sheltered from sun and rain?).  But it is also true that many houses in the area are built in front of caves.  A cave could serve a household well by providing shelter for the animals or a place of storage.

Now some of our pictures from the trip which shows the different sights from the separation wall of Palestine an Israel, the birth place of Jesus and shepards field and the grottos which are the sightseeing of Bethelem.

We are actually taking some leisure time today - going to visit the famous King David Hotel which is right next door and walk around Jerusalem - tonight we are going to the old City to see a light show in the City of David.

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you how fascinating I'm finding your posts, Bruce and Marilyn. Wonderful pictures and narrative to accompany them. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your journey. Great pictures of the old city of Jerusalem, Nazareth, Galilee, the ruins, all of it and the descriptions should be mandatory reading for those of us (over here!). The 'transfer' to Palestine sounds simultaneously unnerving and an unfortunate commentary, but I'm sure it provides an important perspective on the state of affairs there. Continued safe passage on this amazing trip of yours. Marc and Ellen.
